Ra is celebrated as the sun god who embodies the principles of choice, self-mastery, inner heroism, spiritual skill, leadership, morality, and the expression of talent.
Ra underscores the significance of free will in human existence and emphasizes the importance of human autonomy. He teaches that although entropic and negentropic forces might influence human action, they can never dictate it. Ultimate choice, along with its consequences and responsibility, rests solely with the individual. This portrayal of Ra champions the idea that while one can choose to act against divine order, doing so is not a right but a misuse of free will.
Ra’s domain of self-mastery extends over the internal landscape of emotions, thoughts, and spiritual direction. Distinguishing between ego-based frameworks that obscure our inner light and divinity-aligned systems that enhance our luminosity, He is depicted as choosing the programs that govern our inner lives. This programming draws from a deep reservoir of wisdom, including the foundational patterns and principles of the natural world and sciences as they are expressed in sacred geometry, the natural zodiac, and oracles based in binary mathematics.
In his role as the inner hero, Ra exemplifies the virtue of choosing higher principles and the welfare of others, even at personal cost. This aspect of Ra celebrates the altruistic spirit and the courage to uphold one’s values in the face of adversity.
Furthermore, Ra’s expertise in spiritual skill, particularly in chanting and music, underlines the power of vibrational energy to transform and to manifest realities. This emphasizes the importance of maintaining a meditative, highly focused state of mind during active engagement with the world. His ability to control the subconscious through vibration underlines the significance of employing creative expressions to inspire action and facilitate external accomplishments.
As a figure of leadership, Ra is portrayed not just as a commander but as a conduit for divine will, who utilizes music, mantras, ritual, and an understanding of psychology to guide and inspire. Ra’s emphasis on morality and the pursuit of choices that harmonize individual and collective well-being reflects a deep commitment to ethical living and the fulfillment of one’s duties to the community and the divine.
Lastly, Ra’s domain encompasses the expression and recognition of talents as gifts intended for the benefit of the community. This perspective encourages individuals to shine and share their unique abilities, not for personal acclaim, but to honor the divine and to contribute positively to the collective.